About Boo & Pea

Boo and Pea met each other around 5 years ago. Pea, as frantically disorganized as she usually is, was in a quiet panic trying to figure out if she could solve logarithmic equations on her chemistry quiz without the calculator she forgot to pack. Luckily, she was sitting next to Boo who lent her his calculator. In the span of the last five years, Boo has managed to bail out Pea dozens of other times, when she would forget her keys, her wallet, her phone, her anatomy scrubs, her lunch, or a combination of any or all of the above. Somewhere along the way, Boo and Pea became Boo & Pea.

kitchen reference book

Eventually, they moved in together and started cooking together. Things started off simple, with Pea calling her mom to ask how to cook some of her childhood favorite dishes and jotting down Mamma Pea’s recipes in a little green Moleskine notepad that quickly became too crowded and too disorganized. Boo and Pea figured that they should modernize, and so they started BooPeaKitchen together. What was originally meant to be a series of notes-to-self became an excuse for Boo and Pea to experiment with new flavors and ingredients. As they learned how to make new sugary sweets and savory bites and drew inspirations from their travels, they decided to make BooPeaKitchen a place where fellow home cooks and new/aspiring cooks can find recipes from quick, easy meals to exciting, involved foodie projects, and can share their own passions and ideas!

We will always be open to feedback to help us stay on the right direction and give our readers the best experience we can. For now, happy cooking!

With love,

Boo and Pea